6 Reasons Teachers Love Easy Photo Editing with piZap

teacher.jpgDid you know piZap PRO is free for teachers to use in the classroom? Teachers sign up here

We think teachers are amazing. The love and patience they show to help our little ones grow and develop is mind-blowing. And, they do all this with limited resources.

In a recent Frontline Technologies survey, teachers were asked a series of questions around the challenges they are facing.  Along with stating a lack of time, aligning with standards, and being able to address the needs of a variety of students, they also noted Lack of Resources and Technology as two main issues.

Did you know piZap is a fantastic resource to address these two exact issues?

Continue reading 6 Reasons Teachers Love Easy Photo Editing with piZap

Don’t get Spooked, Get piZapped


Let’s face it; Halloween is just about everyone’s favorite holiday. When else will you be able to parade around in public wearing a witch’s hat without people looking at you like you’ve lost your marbles? We happen to like Halloween a lot, too and can’t wait to show you all the fun ways you can eat, drink and be scary with piZap!

Here are just a few blood-curdling (and super-cute!) samples to get you into a Halloween-y mood. Continue reading Don’t get Spooked, Get piZapped

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