Tag Archives: facebook

Crafting the Perfect Facebook Cover with piZap


In our visually-driven digital landscape, your Facebook cover photo is a powerful tool for communication and branding. For individuals and businesses alike, the right cover photo on Facebook can make a significant impact. PiZap offers an easy yet sophisticated platform for designing covers that captivate and communicate. This guide will walk you through creating the perfect Facebook cover, optimized for all viewing platforms.

Sample FB cover templates in piZap

1. Why Facebook Cover Size Matters

Your Facebook cover photo is the first thing visitors see on your profile. The right size ensures your image looks great on all devices.


The example below illustrates how a well-sized and professionally designed cover photo can enhance a business page’s appeal.

Sample FB cover made in piZap

2. Unleash Your Creativity with piZap

piZap is not just a tool; it’s a creative companion, offering features that make designing Facebook covers a breeze.

piZap app in iOS device

The samples below showcases the vibrant and playful design possibilities with piZap, perfect for personal, business, or creative pages.

Sample FB covers in piZap

3. Best Practices for Your Facebook Cover

A good Facebook cover photo should reflect your identity, be updated regularly, and have a balanced composition.

FB cover made in the piZap app in iOS device

4. Your Creative Partner in Social Media Branding

PiZap offers the tools, templates, and flexibility to create Facebook covers that are not just perfectly sized but also visually stunning and unique to your style.

FB cover templates in piZap

Whether you’re promoting a business or just expressing yourself, a well-crafted Facebook cover can set you apart. PiZap gives you the tools to create a cover that’s not only size-perfect but also visually stunning and reflective of your unique style. Dive into piZap and start transforming your Facebook presence!


The Art of Cropping: How to Make Sure Your Images are Perfect for Social Media

Cropping is a crucial part in taking great photos, but it’s also one of those things that you might not know how to do. You can ruin an otherwise perfect photo by cropping too much or leaving enough space around your image for people on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook! In order to make sure all aspects are covered when posting pictures online with the PiZap Photo Editor, you can check the various ready made templates in piZap for your social media postings!

You can use piZap’s pre-sized / designer-made social media templates for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, SnapChat, Instagram, and YouTube. Simply go to BLANK CANVAS on the piZap menu to find the social media templates that you will need. Remember that you can do this as well via the piZap app (available in the Apple and Google Store).

Or simply DIY with piZap’s blank canvas where you can customized the actual size that is required for your social media post. Below is a guide that we put together on what exactly goes into making the perfect Square File for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn – which will cover everything from aspect ratios up through resolution options… So check these tips out before next time….

In the art of cropping, it is important to make sure your images are perfect for social media. A photo may appear too small or distorted when posted on Twitter and Facebook with incorrect proportions! Luckily there’s a simple solution:

  1. Go to piZap.
  2. Click BLANK CANVAS on the top menu.
  3. Click the CUSTOM SIZE to select your desired social media size.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Save your changes. And you are all set!

Croping for your social media posts can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. Just make sure you check first the required size for your image before posting so your photos will look at their absolute best on social media!