Category Archives: Filters

10 Tips for Taking Better Thanksgiving Photos of Your Kids

As the holidays approach, now is the perfect time to start thinking about how to capture all those special moments with your kids. Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to get some cute and funny photos of your little ones. Here are five tips to help you take better Thanksgiving photos of your kids this year.

1. Get them in the holiday spirit.

Dress your kids up in their cutest Thanksgiving outfits or have them make some fun crafts to get them into the holiday spirit. The more festive they are, the better the photos will be.

2. Take advantage of natural light.

If possible, try to take the photos near a window where there is plenty of natural light. This will help avoid any harsh shadows on your subjects.

3. Get down on their level.

For the best photos, get down on your child’s level so you’re at eye-level with them. This will help you capture their expressions more easily.

4. Use props.

Props can be a great way to add interest to your photos and help tell a story. Give your kids some leaves or pumpkins to play with or have them hold up signs with what they’re thankful for this year. Be creative!

5. Focus on candid shots.

Candid shots tend to be more dynamic and interesting than posed shots, so try to capture your kids in the midst of playing or laughing rather than asking them to sit still and smile for the camera.

6. Edit strategically.

With today’s digital cameras and editing software, it’s easy to go overboard with filters and effects. But sometimes less is more—a few strategic edits can go a long way in making your photos look better without making them look fake. This is where piZap photo editor can provide simple editing solutions and basic filters that can help you come up with great image output. The piZap app is available in the web, iOS and android devices.

7. Print them out!

In this age of digital media, it’s easy to forget that photos are meant to be enjoyed offline as well as online—so make sure you print out your favorites and put them in an album or frame them for display in your home. piZap offers options to print them directy to your printer or via Walgreens. Check out this special feature in piZap!

8. Share them with loved ones!

edited in piZap

One of the best things about taking Thanksgiving photos is being able to share them with loved ones near and far—so make sure you send copies (or links) to grandparents, cousins, and other family members who would enjoy seeing them.

9. Be patient.

Kids can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be patient when taking photos of them. If you wait for the perfect moment, you’re sure to capture some truly special memories that you and your family will cherish for years to come.

10. Have fun!

Photography should be enjoyable—so make sure you take some time during Thanksgiving break to experiment with different techniques and styles until you find something that works for you and makes you happy!

We hope these tips have inspired you to get out there and take some great Thanksgiving photos of your kids! Remember, the most important thing is to have fun—after all, that’s what Thanksgiving is all about!

Food Photography: Mobile Editing Tips and Shooting Secrets Revealed

Food photography has been one of the most popular ways to capture memories through pictures. The quality and ease in which you can take these shots with your phone make it an excellent choice for people who are always on-the go, but what about those looking for more creativity? Here we will explore some tips that could help take even better photos using only a smartphone!

Use Natural Light to Make Your Photos Look Fresh

The easiest way to make your photos look fresh? Use natural light! When you’re out a particular food as a subject, try making sure that the camera is always pointed towards something interesting like a backdrop of the kitchen table so the profile becomes more detailed than just frame them against flat wall paint job. Try using low key lighting too–this means keeping floods minimal and focusing on one source at a time instead; think about what kind would best highlight each food item.

Make the Most of Your Phone’s Wide-Angle Lens

There’s no need to settle for poor food photography when you can take advantage of your phone’s wide angle lens! Some mistakes that are easy enough fix, like placing an object in front or behind the subject. But other times it might be hard because there isn’t much room left on screen with all those beautiful ingredients lining up before us… until now 🙂 The secret is using careful composition – think about where each item will end up once completed so they’re properly incorporated into.

piZap app on iPhone device

Use Neutral Backgrounds to Highlight the Food

Food photography is all about making the most of what you have. It’s also important to know when something will look good in your pictures and why, so that everything comes out looking as perfect on camera (or mobile) as it does at home! One thing we recommend for getting great shots without spending too much time or money? Try using neutral backgrounds like dark grassy hillsides with plenty if space between them – they work especially well during sunset hours because light from those gorgeous golden hues shines through beautifully even after nightfall has fallen over. To add the dark shades, you can use piZap photo editor via your mobile device to adjust the lighting effects.

piZap App on iPhone device

Use a Colour Wheel to Create Visual Harmony

Food photography is unlike other kinds of photography in that it’s best not to use filters when editing. The colors need to be natural and work together for your images, so you can’t go wrong with this one! A colour wheel will show you which hues complement each other well without being overbearing or clashing–it’ll help create visual harmony for any kind (or style) video project.

Style Your Dishes for Delicious Results

Want to take your food styling game up a notch? Here are some tips on how you can style dishes for delicious results! starters – Use different types and colors of vegetables, cheeses or other toppings that will make them stand out in an aesthetically pleasing way. Don’t be afraid to experiment; even if it seems like something isn’t working at first glance (like tomatoes), giving yourself permission enjoy trying new things may lead down paths where better shots eventually appear from all angles

Elevate Your Food Photos in Post-Processing

It’s better not to use filters on food photography, but your pictures still need some post-processing. The best approach is with the PiZap app for iPhones and Androids where you can find tons of awesome effects that will make any picture taken from a professional chef look like an artiste!

Tell a Story with Your Photos to Engage Your Viewers

The best way to tell a story with your photos is by using close-ups and minimalist approaches. However, you can also add more depth by including narratives in the pictures as well! For instance, have someone’s hands serving food or partially cropped elements that give insight into their surroundings without taking up all screen space at once – this will make them feel like they are actually there experiencing what’s happening right now just as much if not sometimes even better than when looking through traditional lenses which often times leave out important details such things facial expressions etc…

piZap app on iPhone device

Develop Your Individual Style for Consistent Results

Consistency made easy. Success in social media these days means having a consistent brand. Your images don’t have to look the same, but there should be certain elements that are cohesive throughout and this could mean using one color palette across all of your posts for instance or taking advantage from shooting on backdrop options which offer variety without sacrificing quality (and vice versa). You can use the piZap photo editor app in your mobile device to achieve such consistency on your photos.

Like in all other areas of photography, food photography takes some practice to perfect. Never get discouraged by looking at professionally styled photos. Just get out there and try something new with your smartphone. Bon appetit! 🙂

America Elects piZap

pizap.com14719800682621It’s an election year here in the U.S. and with that all the hubbub of what may or may not make America great. We happen to think there are some pretty sweet things about America already, and we have the photo editing tools to prove it.

Find out why, this year, we encourage you to VOTE for your favorite presidential candidate … and the best photo editing app around.

Here are some features you won’t want to miss.

Continue reading America Elects piZap